Savings & Investments - Now you can have your cake and eat it!

SIPPs, ISAs, equities, gilts, bonds, stocks and shares, instant access savings… If you are a regular saver or you have a lump sum, you need to think carefully about where you put your money.

Whether you are saving for retirement, a deposit for a house, a dream round-the-world trip or your children’s university education, you want your money to work hard for you and realise the best return on investment.

Getting the ‘best’ return for you is a delicate balancing act between what you want your money to achieve, over what timescale, coupled with your attitude to risk, plus our expertise in identifying and managing the most appropriate funds and accounts in which to invest.

Our skill is in balancing your requirements with the most appropriate investment products on the market. We will put together an investment portfolio for you that:

  • Spreads risk with an even distribution of funds across investment types, geography and industry
  • Takes into account the likely performance over the available timescale
  • Does not expose you to a level of risk with which you are uncomfortable
  • Ensures that you can access your money when you need it

Now you can
have your cake
and eat it!

Regular investment reviews
The financial market moves quickly and new investment products are launched every week. Continuous monitoring and management of your investment portfolio is, therefore, an essential part of realising your financial objectives.

Our service includes a quarterly report of your portfolio and discuss its performance with you at least annually. We ensure that your plan is on-track and your money invested in the funds that are most appropriate to your objectives.

The value of your investments (and the income from them) can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested.

We constantly review and make changes to our clients’ portfolios to balance their investments and maximise return.

*The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Trusts and Estate Planning.

Take a look at our core services:

Making sure that we hold regular review meetings with you means that
we continue to help you meet your financial goals.