You cannot prevent either of these eventualities, but you can eliminate one of the major worries associated with them by making sure that, if it happens to you, you have made sufficient financial provision for your loved ones.
Life Assurance is a policy that will make a lump-sum payment to your loved ones when you die. The payment is often used to pay off an outstanding mortgage or invested to provide an income.
Critical Illness Cover is an insurance policy that you can claim against in the event that you become critically ill. It can help to pay for any care that you might need and will provide financial stability for your family when you can no longer work.
There are a great many providers of life and critical illness cover with each having their own definitions of the cover their policy providers. Which one you is right for you depends on a number of factors. These include the level of payment/income that you wish to secure in the event of a claim, your current state of health, your age, habits and pastimes.
There are so many options available that it can be overwhelming, and people often do not know where to start in finding the right policy. That’s where we can help! We look at your circumstances and what you want to achieve with your policies and find the one that best suits your needs.
We will manage the application and approval process for you, and should your circumstances or aspirations change, we will review your policies with you to ensure they continue to meet your needs.
Income Protection is an insurance policy that generally pays out if you are unable to work due to injury or illness (and in some cases unemployment). It will help bridge the gap in any reduction in earnings.
These plans typically have no cash in value at any time and cover will cease at the end of term. If premiums stop, then cover will lapse. Plans may not cover all the definitions of a critical illness. The definitions vary between product providers and will be described within the Key Features and policy documentation.